Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Feel Like I Am Going Crazy

My parents came down last weekend to make sure that there is enough room when their cabin is delivered. It was rather hectic. They were here for less than 12 hours. Cut down two trees and demolished a porch. Work done, for now. My husband has to do the rest. He now has to move the water pipe, all of the concrete blocks and level the ground. But that is really no big deal. It means that we will not have to vacate our bed when they come down. Not that we did last time or that we will next time.

My side hurts so bad I could scream!! I went and saw Dr. House and she said she was going to get me a referral. I have not heard anything yet. I called yesterday and the girl that sets up the referrals was gone for the day. Grrrrr. I am going to call again tomorrow. Hopefully she will know something.

I called and spoke to the girl at the desk about a new appointment with my OBGYN. I have an appointment for that on Monday. Last time I was there we talked about a hysterectomy happening in two months. Wanted me to take Mircette for two months first. I have done some research on this medicine and I do not like what I have found. Lots of different women have had all kinds of problems with this medicine. Anything from intense acne to blinding migraines for the first month. So off to the doctor again. I want to see if they can go ahead and do the surgery, and forget about the pills. Now that this is all in my head, I just want it over and done with. Besides the pills are only supposed to slow my bleeding. Not do anything else. We will see.

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