Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Physical therapy

First day of physical therapy for Jason. Still no too sure how I feel about all of this. I think next time he can go and come by himself. Or maybe next time I will try the library. I don't know yet. Went to Wal Mart to pick up a few groceries while we waited on Daddy. That went well for the most part. I still have to use the little girls room. The one and only family bathroom in the store was out of order. Now I am during out side the therapy center waiting on Jason. They said it would only take about an hour. It has been an hour since he walked in. and only 45 minutes since his appointment time. Let's see how much longer we have to wait. I am so glad that the a/c works in the van. According to my phone it is 100°f here today. And asphalt parking lot and brick building, it is probably more like 108°f or so. Sounds fun. I hope he comes out soon. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Growing up...

My mother recently kept my then three year old for three weeks in the months of May and June. I felt kind of like that was a much needed break. I missed my big man so much. But I was happy to have time with my husband and my little guy. There were some things that happened when Michael was at his Granny's house that I was not okay with. I did not say anything to her at the time. The main reason for that is because she did the same things when I was a kid. I was raised the same way and I turned out okay, right? I thought about it and I thought about it some more until I was down right mad about a few things. Sending me picture messages of my little man. Oh, so happy to get them! But, wait, he is wearing his pajamas. It is 5 pm. They just woke up!! All because they did not go to sleep until 6 am.
Now, my dad works 40-70 hours per week. He can get home anywhere from six to nine in the evening. He gets up and goes to work between four and five in the morning. My husband was horrified by this behavior by my mother. I was nonplussed by it. Like I said, I have known the same most of my life. He was also very easy to get back on a normal schedule. Not the point. To this day, as a 28 year old, mother of two,i have trouble sleeping when I should. Like right now it is six am. I have not slept yet. My kids have been in bed since around nine, ten o'clock. My point is, I struggle with sleeping like I should. I have to fight with myself to even go to bed. And once I get there, it is a whole different battle to go to sleep. I have been laying here thinking and piddling around for probably four hours now. Sleep does not always win for me.
I can remember times in high school that I was not allowed to go to bed because my mom wanted company until around four am. I would finally go to sleep, only to be woke up three hours later for school. Then off to work after school. Home again to do the same thing over and over. On grade school I remember staying up so late one night that I could hardly see for being so tired. And I was like six or seven at the time.
I don't want my kiddos to fall into that kind of pattern. The only way I can stop it is to sassy no, you cannot keep the boys until you straighten up. That would break my dads heart. He is normal in this respect. I don't think my mom can ever change.

Maybe send some sleep magic back with Michael next time. That might help. :)


You can choose to perform your witchcraft alone, teaching yourself through study, or you can seek out other witches to do group work. Either way, you must remember to act discretely and to respect the basic Laws of Witchcraft:

Energy is abundant
Everything is connected
Possibilities are infinite
The path lies within you

How Dare You????? A list of "I can't believe its" that happen in my world. Ever growing as they happen.

How Dare You????? A list of "I can't believe its" that happen in my world. Ever growing as they happen.

How Dare You?????

A list of "I can't believe its" that happen in my world.

Ever growing as they happen.

About 8 months ago - Michael's former pediatrician - Michael was about 22 months old at the time. She decided to talk to me about medication for ADHD for him. She thought he was far too hyper. My response, He is 2!!! When I got home, I looked it up, and doctors cannot officially diagnose ADHA or any other behavioral disorder until a child is at least 5 years old. Besides, you would think that as a pedi she would know how 2 year olds behave. They are all rambunctious, precocious, go 90 MHP/24/7. At some point they will all make you scream!

Last month - Me & My sister, Amanda - You go to the ER at around 8am and do not let anyone in the family know it. Then you call me at around 2pm to tell me. Then you get mad at me for letting our mother know of this! I know I would want my child to let me know the other had gone to the hospital! She told me that if had been an emergency then she would have let Mom know! If it was not an emergency then you would not have gone to the Emergency Room!

Also about my sister - You do not call our father and tell him you are having a big dinner party the day before his birthday and not even bother to invite him! And then turn around and tell him that you are too busy to see him on his birthday!

Last week - Holiday parade in town - If you do not know someone or their children then you should not walk up and hand a child a handful of candy and coins! Strange lady from the crowd just put a handful of stuff in my 2 year olds hand!

The Night Before Yule

I know it is off season, but this is great!!

The Night Before Yule

Twas the eve of midwinter, and all through the coven
The Witches were cooking strange things in the oven.
There were mugwort frittatas, and dragon's-blood stew
And mescaline eggnog and mandrake fondue.
There were hot mountain oysters and road-kill paté
And spotted-owl kidneys, and wombat flambé.

The circle was cast and the herbs had been smoked
In hopes that the Goddess would soon be invoked.
When out by the hot tub arose such a clatter
I jumped on my broom to see what was the matter.

And what should I see in the blackberry thorns
But a soaking wet Goddess and eight unicorns!
"I was just sitting down with my vibrating phallus
And a good book," she muttered, "You bitches are callous.
I came when you called, over all my objections,
And got lost in the woods -- you give lousy directions.
You turkeys invoked me, now look at my dress
My period's late and I've got PMS."
She cursed as she muttered; she looked like a wreck
The unicorns whimpered and sat on the deck.

We gave her some weed and we got her some grub
We bought her clean towels and she soaked in the tub.
Then she rose, hot and dripping, and gave us her blessing
And jumped in her chariot, without even dressing!

"On Isis! On Eris! Oya and Astarte!
On Ishtar! Inanna! Kali and Hecate!"
We heard her exclaim as she climbed through the air
"Thank Goddess there's only eight sabbats a year!"

by Aurora Borealis Medicine Turkey 

Pagan Because...

your god requires
blood sacrifice
subjugation of women
annihilation of cities
slaughter of multitudes
unquestioned obedience
murder of his own son
destruction by flood
and as a grand finale
he plans to destroy the
world by fire
and you ask me why i am pagan?

My guys!!!!!

Things have changed

Well, my husband starts physical therapy this coming Wednesday. So that is a good thing. Now I have to go and see the doctor. Now I have an appointment to see a GYNO on Thursday. And an appointment to see a surgeon. I need to have my gallbladder taken out. It has been bothering me for a while now.  I will let you know as soon as I know more.
I am having trouble deciding how I want my surgery done. Open or lapro. One 5-7 inch cut or 6 one inch cuts.

Oh!  And now I am diabetic. So I get to take Metformin twice a day. And I get to take my blood sugar 4 times a day. So yay me!

The Witches' Voice